Saturday, May 28, 2011

jawlipops (aka jollypops)

A friend of mine told me that research has been done that proves that sugar has no real impact on children's behavior.

I was kind of excited to hear this, because historically we've been a bit of restrictive with our girls' treats, hoping to help keep emotions and behavior on an even keel.

Now, I believe in the scientific method and all, and I'm not saying the research was wrong.  

And I'm not saying my friend was wrong.

I guess I'm just saying that the study... 

... didn't include my kids!

Not pictured but present - one mama with a yellow, banana-flavored ring around her mouth (yep, mama's going bananas!) and a smile to match the girls'.  

Because, as they say, if you can't beat 'em (...hmmm), join 'em!

And the sweetest part of all was hearing, "Mama, you look like a kid.  Well, you look like a teenager."

Much nicer than the "you look like a chicken" and "you feel like a chicken" I received a few weeks ago!

Friday, May 13, 2011

laundry bliss

Today has been laundry day.

By that I mean that nearly every waking moment of today has been spent in or near the laundry room.  Yes, I've prepared (and eaten) meals, cleaned up dishes, helped little ones dress, read stories, put the baby down for a nap, but as each of these things were accomplished, I dashed off as quickly as I could down to the laundry room to check the status of the washer and dryer, buried my nose in clothes just out of the dryer to check their freshness, folded another load before they cooled and wrinkled, sorted, stain treated, stain treated again.  

I am still in my pajamas and haven't showered (which I normally can't stand), because I don't want to interrupt the laundry cycle.  I have resisted the lure of the playful breeze outside and the delight of grubbing in the dirt, foregoing the pleasure of being a part of planting the garden, captured by the siren song of the spin cycle.

And it has been bliss.

Really.  I never knew laundry could be so much fun.

Even Jim seems to have a fresh relish for the laundry process, heading down occasionally to the recesses of the basement and then coming up to tell me, "You ought to see that spin action!"

What has turned an ordinary household chore into a source of such enjoyment?

Well, for the first time in many, many months, the washer is working the way it is supposed to.  Thanks to about $300 in parts, and the hard work and know-how of my husband, I am not standing in a puddle of water when I approach the washer, and the machine is actually spinning out the loads, getting clothes clean!  I can actually fill the washer to a "super" load and expect results.


The pile on the laundry room floor is... still a pile, but it is shrinking!  

Stacks of clean, folded clothes are waiting to fill little girls' drawers (practically empty as our laundry dilemma had reached crisis point in the last two weeks).

Fluffy, white towels exude a freshness that will not make one feel the need to bathe again after one's bath. 

Dishrags occupy the kitchen drawer so that I will not have to ruin another washcloth in kitchen tasks.

And I've been waiting for weeks to salute the arrival of spring by switching out espresso flannel sheets for crisp, white cotton edged in eyelet.  (Tomorrow?!)

As I have been enjoying a fresh perspective on a normally humdrum task today, I thought back to a book I read in which one of the characters always hummed or sang, "Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow" on her wash day.  And I couldn't help but think about the dirty laundry of the soul and the way that grace is somewhat like a washing machine that never malfunctions.

There is such joy in the simplicity of being able to take my heart made dirty by sin to Jesus and to have it made clean again by washing with His blood.

When life gets messy, and the overflow of my heart reveals grace need, I don't have to ignore the need or call it something other than what it is.  I don't have to mask the offending odor by putting a clothespin on my nose or overlook the grime by squinting or wearing sunglasses!  I don't have to take out the stain stick and get to work on myself.  I don't have to scrub myself raw on the washboard of condemnation and guilt.  

All I have to do is come to Christ and ask, once again, for cleansing, for forgiveness, for renewal.

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
 and cleanse me from my sin!  
… Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;
 wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.    
Psalm 51:2, 7

It's mine.  Real, fresh, powerful clean.  

LORD, be pleased to make my life exude the freshness of the fragrance of Christ!
My sin - oh the BLISS of this glorious thought -
my sin, not in partbut the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more!
Praise the LORD, praise the LORD, oh my soul!


Oops, gotta go.  I just heard the buzzer on the dryer.  Bring on the dirt!

a day with flat stanley

I was joking with Jim that I ought to have titled my blog "Saturday Evening Post", because it seems that I typically post weekly, typically on Saturday nights.  Last week, however, I didn't post at all, because we had a very busy week, ending with a very busy Saturday.

Something different about our Saturday was the presence of a little crayon-colored person named Flat Stanley.  He arrived at our home as a mere outline on a sheet of paper, folded up in a #10 envelope along with an invitation from the girls' cousin, Quinn, to participate in his 1st grade class project.  Our challenge was to decorate him in clothing similar to what we would wear, include him in our activities, and then share our experiences with Quinn's class via pictures, etc.  The 1st graders would then get to experience life in different parts of the country (and the world) through their little fold-up friend.

Here is an overview of our day with Flat Stanley.

In the morning on our way to Grace Christian School for the Walk for Life, I hastily cut Flat Stanley from his paper prison and scribbled on hair, a face, and clothes.  Cordelia insisted that I color his shorts darker purple, because she didn't want his skin to show through.

Unloading from the van, getting ready to walk.

Flat Stanley and Cordelia posed for the camera while Jim and the girls enjoyed watching Dotti's sweet little Teddy make friends with another furball at the ComfortCare Women's Health Center.

It's hard to smile when your mouth is full of Little Debbie treats!  Refreshments were one highlight of the walk for the girls.

It was fun to visit with friends while gearing up for the walk back.  Brenda and Shelby got a kick out of Flat Stanley, too.

In the afternoon, the girls helped Jim get the garden ready for tilling by spreading peat moss and sand.  Based on what came out of their clothes later, I'd say THEY were ready for tilling!

In case there's any question why Flat Stanley arrived in Conroe, TX a little smudgy, here's the reason.

Flat Stanley was as enthusiastic about sweeping the deck as Cordelia.

To round out the day, our cookout turned into an eat-in as it began to pour just before we sat down.  Our weekly Saturday guest, David,  brought friends who were passing through.  We enjoyed meeting George (American), Anna (Australian), and Tabea (German).  Though Staunton is not in itself an exotic locale, Flat Stanley got quite the multi-cultural experience during his visit.

Thanks for the visit, Flat Stanley!  Next time, will you bring Quinn with you?